Saturday, March 30, 2013

Books Of March 2013!

If you saw last month's post then you saw that I actually read more books than I expected and this month is the complete opposite. I don't think I've been on such a bad reading slump in a long time. I had my TBR for this month specifically planned out but unfortunately, that went down the drain. The only book I read this month was Warm Bodies. I'm not going to blame the book because it was actually a really good book. I feel bad for not being in a better mood because I think I would have been able to cherish each word better. Now, I have to leave Looking for Alaska and Sharp Objects for another time.

I gave Warm Bodies  a 4 STARS. I loved the storyline. It's the first zombie book I've read and I'm definitely ready for more now. I loved the characters and how it all played out. I'm actually a bit surprised to see that there are more books in the series because I wouldn't of minded if the story just ended with this book. I'm curious to see what happens in the second book though because there are still a lot of questions left unanswered. Overall, I do recommend this book. Now, I just need to go watch the movie.

Enter my current giveaway to win Ellen Harger's Strong Enough.
Buy Warm Bodies on Amazon
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