Sunday, March 24, 2013

Giveaway: Strong Enough by Ellen Harger

Here with another giveaway! Today, you can win Ellen Harger's new debut novel Strong Enough. Unfortunately, at this time, the book is only available in e-book form but that doesn't stop me from throwing a giveaway. You can win an .epub or .mobi e-book which you can read on all e-book readers including iPads, tablets and the like. Please read Ellen Harger's guest post as well. Read the synopsis here.If you don't win that's alright because you can still buy it on Amazon.
Buy Strong Enough On Amazon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck to everyone! I hope you'll come back everyday to enter more!
YouTube video.
You can also receive 2 free e-books of your choice out of thousands of options. Just visit BookBuddie. Just click the link.
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