Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Liebster Award!

Hey guys! I've been nominated for a Liebster Award from Life with RA is a Pain. I'm really honoured and grateful. I think I've been nominated before, but didn't realize it or understand what a Liebster Award was. I've read through Ior's post and I'm pretty sure I get it now. I'm really excited and didn't think my blog would ever be acknowledged. I'm just a girl who loves music and loves books. I just wanted to share what I thought should be loved by people the way I enjoy them.

 So these are the questions I've been asked to answer. 
1. Why did you create a blog?
I created my blog because I've always loved booktubers and book bloggers. I love music for every occasion and of course I love reading. I decided to just put them together and make a blog. I've also been inspired by many other book bloggers and bloggers in general.
2.  On average how much time a week do you spend blogging or doing blog related   activities?
Unfortunately, I don't blog as much as I'd like to. Even though I don't post a lot though, I am still always ready to reply to any type of emails. If you count that, then I guess I do blog related activities at least a few times a week.
3. What is your favourite season, and why?
My favourite season would be spring or autumn. Summer is too hot. Winter is too cold. Spring and autumn is just right. You can wear a jacket if you want but you don't have to.
4. What do you like most about youself?
I feel so weird answering a question like this but I'll be optimistic and say that I love everything about myself. Not in a snobby way, just in a I accept myself for who I am way.
5. Who is the most important person in your life?
The most important person in my life is definitely my mum. Of course I do get angry at her sometimes but I still love her. She's been an inspiration. The most important people in my life though are definitely my friends. Without them, my life wouldn't be as amazing as it is today.
6. What type of music do you listen to most?
Well like my blog says, I love pop and k-pop. I honestly don't listen to one or the other more and I like my mix. Aside from that though, I like specifically dance-pop, electro-pop, rap, and well all of that in korean. I'm not sure though, I just like anything that's good. 
7. What is your most prized possession? 
I don't really have a prized possession. Nothing that I couldn't live without. I love my electronics though, if that counts. My laptop, iPod and camera. 
8. What is the one thing that gets on your nerves?
If you know me in real life, you know that A LOT of things get on my nerves. Right now though, I just really wish everyone would believe in themselves more. That gets on my nerves.
9. What do you love most about your followers?
I love my followers for taking the time to read my gibberish.
10. Have you become close friends with any of your followers?
 Sadly, not really. I wouldn't mind it though. I think the blogging community is a really nice one. Maybe one day.
11. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
Well of course I'd love to be prettier, smarter, funnier, better, but we can't have everything. I would want to be more beautiful, on the inside.

11 Facts About Me
- I've never been overseas.
- Get into really big reading slumps easily. Like right now.
- I'm a hopeless romantic.
- Cockroaches scare me more than spiders do.
- On weekends, I spend at least 10 minutes picking out what to wear.
- When I'm sad, I blast my music really loudly and just cry it all out.
- I have a weird obsession with quotes.
- I'm an atheist though I understand and appreciate other religion's beliefs.
- If I had to pick a favourite colour, I'd choose pink, but I'm not racist, I love all colours.
- I don't have a colourful wardrobe. I fashion but I keep my style pretty neutral.
- I spend many hours of my life watching tv shows and dramas.

Read more for the 11 bloggers I've selected and the questions I've asked them. They all have to have less than 200 followers but definitely deserve more.

1. My Mother Stuttered
2. Hannah Artistry
3. NailGlaze
4. Science So Sexy
5. Live and Dictate
6. Everyday Life with Tosyn
7. SillySilberman
8. Sunny Days Are Love
9. Sammy's Sweet Reads
10. Love and in Between
11. Chubby Anecdote

1. Favourite artist/band?
2. Favourite song?
3. Favourite book?
4. Why did you choose a blog over a YouTube channel?
5. Do you have a goal related to blogging?
6. Biggest pet peeve?
7. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it?
8. Favourite animal?
9. If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?
10. What is your favourite quote?
11. What's your lucky number?

I know that my questions make absolutely no sense, but oh well.

Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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