Friday, March 1, 2013

Books Of February 2013!

I've had an extremely productive month! Well I guess I've actually had a very unproductive month since I've only been reading but I've been productive in reading. I finished five books this month. These are the four out of the five that I actually liked. I also read UnWholly but that unfortunately was a disappointment. Click here for that post. Without further ado, here it is:

Hopeless (Hopeless, #1)

This one gets a special mini review cause that's just how awesome it is. I know I said that this was going to be a March read but I finished Unravel Me so I was like, meh why not? I went through it so fast! I loved the characters. I loved the emotions it brought out. There were definitely some parts I didn't expect but I love how each character connected. The writing was also amazing. I can't wait for the second book even though I wouldn't mind if this was a novel on it's own. Go read it! NOW!

Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)


The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)



                                            I definitely give all these books 5 STARS. I wish that I could've liked every book I read this month but oh well. 80% of them were amazing so I'm happy. I'm currently reading Warm Bodies. I just started so I'm not going to judge it yet but we'll see.
Buy these books on Amazon!
Unravel Me
The Indigo Spell
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