Monday, April 1, 2013

TBR in April 2013!




Hello everyone! After a very disappointing month of reading in March, I'm ready to try again. In the past few weeks some books that I've been waiting for, for a long time have come out. I'm really, extremely excited about them all and I really hope that I can get around to reading them all this month. I know that if I don't there's going to be more books that I'll want to read next month. If you saw my Sequels Coming Out In 2013 post, you would've seen that Requiem (which I'm currently reading) and Clockwork Princess have come out and The Elite will be coming out and the 23rd this month. If I have anymore time, I also want to read Looking for Alaska  which was on last month's TBR. I really hope that this month will be a lot less busy than last month or if it is busy, I'll just ignore all my work to read. If I get into another reading slump where I really don't feel like reading, someone has to punch me or something.

Enter my current giveaway to win Ellen Harger's Strong Enough.
Buy these books on Amazon!
Clockwork Princess
The Elite 
Looking for Alaska
You can also receive 2 free e-books of your choice out of thousands of options. Just visit BookBuddie by clicking the link.
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