Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tag: The Name Game Book Tag

Hey everyone! I know that my last post was also a tag but I just find these so fun. I'm like pretty sure that these tags aren't meant to be done on blogs and instead in a YouTube video but I still think it's a good idea. Maybe people do do these tags on their blogs and I just haven't realised. Bloggers tend to do blog hops more but it's hard for me to keep a schedule. So today I'm doing The Name Game Book Tag created by KimberleysBookNook on YouTube. Basically, I choose a book that represents each letter in my name. I have to own the book or have read the book. So obviously, my name is Laura, here goes.

For the letter L, I choose The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I chose this because it is one of my favourite books of all time. I overall love Nicholas Sparks though because I love Romance. I also chose this book because I still haven't watched the movie. It's a reminder that I really have to soon.
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. For the same reasons as the previous. I absolutely love the characters in this book. Sometimes the characters are too fake, too annoying or too haughty but I loved Anna and St. Clair. The story is a bit cliche but it was a really fun and quick read.
I choose Unwind by Neal Shusterman. I absolutely loved this book and it's unique concept. It explores a lot of different issues that exist in out society even though it's a dystopian world. I also chose this because the sequel is probably the most hated sequel I've ever read. See how I said I hated annoying characters? Well the sequel has more than enough of them. I loved Unwind though.
Speaking of sequels, for the letter R, I choose Rules of Attraction which is the second book in the Perfect Chemistry series by Simone Elkeles. This books was definitely an amazing sequel and wasn't what I expected. I loved how the author chose the little brother of one of the protagonists in Perfect Chemistry to be the protagonist in this sequel. Cliche, but absolutely amazing.
Another A! I choose A Walk to Remember again by Nicholas Sparks. This one is perfect because the A is the fifth letter in my name and A Walk Remember is my fifth favourite book of all time. This book is kind of like Romeo and Juliet, you know exactly what's going to happen right from the start but once it happens, you can't take it. It's an extremely poignant book and it made me cry so much.  
A Walk to Remember

I'm happy my name only has five letters. Otherwise, this post would've been extremely long.
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