Thursday, April 25, 2013

Giveaway: 100 Followers

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed me. I now have over one hundred followers but I made sure to capture the moment. I hit 100 on the 25th of April 2013 at approximately 10:45pm Sydney time. I'm grateful for all my GFC followers and also my Bloglovin' followers. I hope that the numbers will continue to grow as my audience gets bigger. Thank you for everyone's support along the way. Blogging has been a big journey for me. Though I've had my blog since September 2012, I didn't really put my blog out there until this year. I started to gain more and more followers and to this day, I still get excited each time I gain one new follower or get an email saying that I have one new comment that I can reply too.

I know it's cheesy but THANK YOU SO MUCH!
It was hard trying to figure out what to giveaway for this giveaway but I decided to just go with something simple. My blog is Music Plus Books so I decided to have one music giveaway and one book giveaway. You get your choice of any album/single etc. and your choice of any book (electronic format). There will be two winners and they will get both. Good luck and I hope you win because this giveaway is for you.
a Rafflecopter giveawayBuy Books at the Book Depository!
Buy K-Pop at Yesasia!
Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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