Monday, April 29, 2013

Books Of April 2013!

This month, I've just had way too much time. I've been posting more than usual, and also reading more than usual! If you remember last month, I read one book. Yep, only one. I was so disappointed in myself but luckily I've picked myself up for this month. I finished all the books I was planning to read this month and all the books I was planning to read in March. In total I've read five books and done two reviews. This may seem like nothing for some people but it's quite a lot for me. My blog isn't all about books which is why I don't do a review for each book I read. I'll gladly do a review if any one asks for one though. However, I do sum up my thoughts at the end of each month! Continue reading to see my thoughts and ratings. Also, the links to my reviews, links to the Goodreads pages and links to where you can buy these amazing books.


Win any of these books and more in my current giveaway.
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