Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TBR in May 2013!

Hey guys! This month is the first time I'm going to have a sort of theme. Starting new series! I don't usually have themes and I just read whatever I want, but luckily, all the books I want to read in May are new series that I've want to start. I hope to continue having themes. There will only be four books because each book is fairly long. I'm not confident that I will finish all the books I want to read this month but I will try. I'm also reading Frankenstein for school. You could say I'm cheating because Frankenstein and Kafira don't fit the theme but, yolo! They're technically the first out of one book so I'm going to let it slide. This month I'm going to read the books by the author's last names in reverse alphabetical order.

Find these books on Goodreads!




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