Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tag: Music Tag

 I wanted to do a tag on my blog and I'm not really sure if it's a thing on blogs but I know that people always do tags on YouTube. I found this tag and thought, why not? The questions are pretty simple and they fit in perfectly with my blog. If you want to do the tag, please do so! I tag everyone.

1. Favorite band/ musician of the moment?
Right now I'm obsessed with Lee Hi because of her new song Rose. Best song ever. Well at least so far.
2. One band you always come back to?
This is hard because there are so many artists/bands that I can always listen to. The only person I can think of right now is Taylor Swift. Whenever I'm in the mood, I can listen to her, no matter how old the song.
3. Favorite movie soundtrack?
I don't know if you count this as a movie but I love the To The Beautiful You OST because I love that K-Drama. If I have to choose a movie though, it'd be the Pitch Perfect Soundtrack. Come on, les be honest, it's awesome.
4. What is/are your favorite song(s) of all time?
I can't. This is really really hard but I think I'd have to chose Adele. I can't choose between Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire to the Rain and Turning Tables.
5. Most embarrassing song on your iTunes?
I have a lot of songs on my iTunes and I don't think I'm really embarrassed about any of them but I'll just choose the 4 virals. Baby, Call Me Maybe, What Makes You Beautiful and... yep, Gangnam Style.
6. Top 3 played songs on your iTunes?
I've changed my iTunes and so some of my most played songs ever have had their plays erased. Luckily though, I do remember them.
- Static Revenger & Richard Vission feat. Luciana - I Like That
From memory this song had over 600 plays. Yeah I know, I was addicted to this song way back when in 2009. Feels like so long ago now.
- BIGBANG - Monster
Also from memory, I'm pretty sure this song had almost 400 plays. V.I.P forever.
- Boyfriend - Janus
This one is recent and is on my newer iTunes and it has exactly 292 plays. I'm about to make it 293.
7. Favorite concert you've attended?
Actually, I've never been to a concert ever. I know, I need to get a life.
8. Most underrated musician in your opinion?
Most of the people I listen to are pretty popular. I guess K-Pop is underrated and misunderstood over all because of PSY. But, one artist I like that not many people have heard of is Kerli. Her song, Army of Love is one of my favourites.
9. Favorite quote or song lyric?
I love quotes, A LOT. This is going to be hard. Song lyrics are hard too since there's so many. My favourite I'd say would be never give up on the dreams you can't go a day without thinking about. I know this is meant to be a music tag and a song lyric would be better but that quote just really gets to me. I think it's beautiful.

Wow, okay that was a long post. I hope this post further shows what my taste in music is like.

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