Thursday, October 3, 2013

Book Spotlight + Giveaway: A Matter of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance

17885067In a past that never was...
The year is 1869. Earth experiences the close pass of a comet never before seen. In its wake, many of Terra's inhabitants find themselves changed. Among men, prodigies rise in unprecedented numbers, while many ordinary adults suddenly find themselves possessed of preternatural genius. Likewise, non-hominid animals become self-aware and intelligent.
Fast forward to 1875. A young “comet prodigy” from humble beginnings, Ichabod Temperance, has become the world's foremost inventor. He travels to England to deliver his latest brilliant invention to a famous explorer, until Fate intervenes. Meanwhile, a lovely young Bluestocking, Miss Persephone Plumtartt, survives an experimental accident only to find herself imbued with a power she can neither understand nor control, while dark forces and malevolent creatures pursue her, leaving a gruesome wake of death.
Yet, worse is to come. The naïve young inventor and the lovely intellectual find themselves fighting not only to save their own lives, but to prevent the destruction of all life on Earth.

Today, I'm featuring this lovely book by Ichabod Temperance. I definitely think you should check it out! It's not your average YA book. Ready to spice up your reading, this is for you! The writing is so unique. If you read a bit more, there's an excerpt where you can see it for yourself.

To make this post just a bit sweeter, here's a giveaway. It's international! The prize will be an e-copy of A Matter of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance. The prize will be provided by him! He's lovely. Plus, if you buy the book, and you win, you can win his other book! AND ALSO, to double sweeten, I'll be providing an e-book of your choice! Any book you want. I hope you guys enter! The giveaway ends in two weeks. *I've extended it and it now ends on the 10th of November.*
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"Note from the bridge, sir."
"Harumph. Yes. Thank you. What's this then. "Strange glow seen to rear of ship?" Harumph. Nonsense."
Miss Plumtartt and I exchange a look. "Get to the back of the boat," she says sternly.
There is definitely a green glow from behind the ship. What's more, I don't need my "Green Beauties" to see it. Everyone can see it.
Miss Plumtartt is shaken.
"Mr. Temperance." She really is shaking. "Something big is coming after me."
The decks are alive with excited crew and passengers.
The glow now surrounds the ship. Something seems to be rising from the depths.
"There!" call the multitudes.
Several hundred yards behind the ship, an island has risen. Smooth, and featureless. Until it opens its eyes.
Tentacles of titanic proportions emerge from the water, hover hundreds of feet in the air, and then slam down with devastating force upon the stricken ship.
What was moments ago, one of the greatest achievements of man, is now a playtoy next to this organic leviathan.
More tentacles descend upon the ship. They begin to constrict.
The Nipponese on board excitedly say a name.
Many of the crew who were struck dumb, now seem to come to a realization.
The name is taken up through out the ship.
More tentacles encircle the ship.
Lifeboats are lowered. Rope ladders are deployed.
The mouth draws closer. Tentacles actually extend from its mouth. It means to devour the ship, it would seem. The bow starts to rise, as the stern is supporting the gross weight of the foul beast.
Victoria's keel just broke! This ship is doomed. I reach a conclusion. Grabbing Miss Plumtartt up in my arms, I pitch her over the rail into a lifeboat on its way down.
"Hold that woman!" I command.
With grim resolve, I know that I have to act.
But, I stop. I toss Miss Plumtartt my derby.
Time seems to slow. A temporal aberration. A little bubble of serenity and quiet outside of the tumult around us..
"I love you, Persephone."
Then I'm off. I fly past passengers. Now the decks are clear. I pick up speed. Instincts help me to dodge tentacles the size of subway cars. I leap deck chairs. The deck of the Victoria tilts towards the stern. The downhill slope increases my velocity. I zig-zag more monstrous appendages until I hit the rail and then I take flight!
I feel as if I am in slow motion,,,,
The gaping maw of an unspeakable terror, takes me in.

A Matter of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance | Goodreads | Amazon
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