Friday, October 11, 2013

Music Review: Number Nine by T-ARA

Genres: K-Pop
Members: Boram, Qri, Soyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin, Jiyeon
Released: 10 October 2013
Core Contents Media

I've always liked T-ARA but I've never loved them. I was hoping for something to blow my mind but even though Number Nine didn't, I still liked it. I'm not sure what exactly the title is meant to mean. Some say it's just the ninth single that they've released. That sounds legit but I think there's a little more meaning than that. I love their sexy appeal (in a not creepy way) and they definitely used it well in the seductive music video and in the overall feel of the song.

Usually, I like the electronic beats that they have in most of their songs but this song just felt awkward to me. I feel like the mix of vocals and electronica did blend like they're supposed to. For once, I really didn't like the beats and I really preferred the actual singing. Number Nine really could've done better with less of the electronic beats. I do still enjoy the rest of the song and find the melody pretty catchy. I have a feeling it will all grow on me.

I've seen T-ARA do better with their vocals but I don't have a problem with how they sing in this song. My only problem is their english. But then again, it's always sucked so I can't expect anything more. They sound alright when they say 'Number Nine' but there's this part that goes "I'm addict, I'm addict" x10,000 and the sad part is, it doesn't make sense and it doesn't even sound right.

In the end, I will get this song because I like it. The music video is just wow. I don't know how to feel about the dancing in this one but I liked the acting and all. Like always, check it out! I can't guarantee that you'll like it since like I said, the electronic music is a bit weird but watch the video just cause it's cool. I'm sure you'll like that part at least, even if you don't like the actual song.

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