Thursday, October 3, 2013

Discussion: Email Subscriptions? + 500 Followers

Before I begin, I'd just like to say thank you for 500 subscribers for both Bloglovin' and GFC! Wow, what a coincidence. I'm not doing a giveaway but I already have like 10 going on right now so feel free to check those out here. Thank you for all your support along the way. Thank you to anyone who has read 1 or 100 of my posts. I'm so grateful.

Today, what I really wanted to talk about is that little box in the bottom right corner. Not the GFC followers, not the Bloglovin' followers, the Feedburner followers. The email followers. The RSS followers? I'm not really sure what the proper name is. It's clear that I have no where near as many Feedburner subscribers compared to GFC and Bloglovin'. With GFC, and Google Reader now gone, it's basically, you follow the blog and never see one of their posts again. I mean, I'm sure some people keep up with the blogs they follow through GFC but it's a small small majority. And then there's the Bloglovin' followers. I'm not to sure how many people keep up with reading the Bloglovin' blogs. I have the mobile app so it's really easy for me.

Okay well my point is, when you subscribe via email, it's pretty much impossible to ignore new posts. Unless of course you're using an email account you never check. Some blogs have email followers that completely outrun the Bloglovin', GFC etc. Other blogs, like mine, have the the email followers lagging behind. Like I'm not saying it's a race by any means, just pointing it out.

I know this isn't true for everyone, but just as a blanket statement, I think that the blogs that have heaps more email subscribers are the ones with better quality posts. You'd have to love the blog a lot to follow them via email over GFC. Like I said, it's not always true because for example, if you're like me, you never follow blogs via email.

So basically, I really have no idea what I'm trying to say. I know it sounded like I was complaining. I'm really not. Trust me, I'm super appreciative of every single person who has ever taken the time to follow me in any way. But I'll be honest, I appreciate the ones who read my blog more. So if you're reading this, thank you.

Let me know your thoughts. I don't know how to feel about it all right now.What do you think about email subscriptions? Better than GFC/Bloglovin'/Linky/NetworkedBlogs?

Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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