Saturday, January 26, 2013

Music Disappointments Of January 2013!

Harvest Moon - 2YOON

Songs I Wished I Could've Added To My Playlist:
Lanterns - Birds of Tokyo
Whenever I see a song that's in the TOP SONGS of my iTunes, I immediately hope that I'll like it. Like this list is for, this song was a disappointment for me. I wish I could've liked it but the neither the music or the lyrics stand out for me.

Suit & Tie (feat. Jay-Z) - Justin Timberlake
This song has been everywhere recently. I go into my car, turn on the radio, and it's on. If it isn't playing, someone is talking about it. "JT is back!" "It's been forever!" "Blah" Honestly I've listened to it a bit to try to let it grow on me but it doesn't work. I'm not sure why. It's not that it's a bad song or anything I just don't think it deserves the hype. Justin Timberlake's single just isn't for me this time round. Maybe his next release will be better.

24/7 - 2YOON
I was so excited for this song! I was all "OMG Hyuna's not there!" 4MINUTE has been nothing but Hyuna and the other chicks for so long. I was ready for something different but unfortunately I didn't like this song. Sometimes I tell people that I listen to Country Music because it makes me feel better, as though I listen to everything. Seriously though, I only listen to Taylor Swift and we all know she's barely got any Country left in her. Jiyoon and Gayoon of 4MINUTE didn't bring it for me. I haven't yet listened to the rest of the album (Harvest Moon) but I have it ready for when I have time. I hope there's something there that I like because I really feel like they rest of 4MINUTE deserve a chance.

Special Girl - INFINITE H
I don't know. The rapping kinda just sounds like they're all sick. It's not that I don't like rap. I really do, this one just didn't get through to me. I like the M/V though! So cute ;)'

Buy K-Pop at Yesasia!
Even though these are my disappointments, still check them out on Yesasia , you might like them!
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