Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blogger Spotlight Tour: Trips Down Imagination Road

Feature a blogger, and a blogger will feature you. The Blogger Spotlight Tour is run by Justine from The Closet Library and Jazmen from This Girl Reads A Lot

Today, I am featuring Laura from Trips Down Imagination Road! YAY! Please check out her: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Trips Down Imagination Road has had her blog up since 2011 but didn't start frequently blogging until around February this year. As I'm writing this, she has 73 GFC followers and 40 Bloglovin' followers. I love reading through her post. I hope you guys hop over to her blog just to check it out, even if you don't want to follow. Please do though. Continue reading for the full interview!

1. On the scale of 1-10, how amazing is the name Laura?
Oh 11 definitely, all the best people are called Laura!

2. What inspired you to start blogging?
I've blogged on and off for a long time, and that always used to include the stuff that I read. Then one day I thought: 'Why don't I regularly blog about books? I mean, I read a hell of a lot anyway, I like to write, why not.' And then my blog changed and morphed into trips down imagination road.
Basically I love to read, love to talk about books (and don't know people in real life who will put up with that!) and have been tempted to go into journalism as a career.
I'm kind of like that too!

3. What's the best thing about blogging?
Free books! Well no, they are an amazing perk I must admit, but what I really really like about blogging is the different books I've discovered through doing blog tours and through reading other's reviews. There are some, particularly Indie/Self published books, that I don't think I would have read without running a blog.
Haha, the ARCs and review books are a rather nice perk.

4. Do you have any personal rules/goals that you like to follow for your blog? If so, what are they?
Any book is fair game. Also I refuse to give ratings on my blog, personally I don't think that a number between 1 and 5 anywhere near describes how enjoyable the book is, it just isn't descriptive enough for me. Not that it really matters, I think even on Goodreads I've only ever given out a couple of 2 stars!
That's a really nice way of really showing how much you enjoyed each aspect of the book.

5. What's are your favourite books? Because I know how hard it is to only choose one.
That is a nightmare of a question! How on earth do I decide that! It would really depend what mood I'm in, but the books I've read again and again include The Mistborn Triology by Brandon Sanderson (if you haven't read them then you should!), A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin (which I read before the TV show came out!) and A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, I read it for English Lit and never managed to shake how much I enjoyed it!
Haha, sorry but I had to ask it!

6. Favourite author?
As mentioned above, its a difficult one, probably Brandon Sanderson, I have enjoyed anything of his that I have ever read (which is quite a bit), when I was younger I did read any books from Darren Shan that I could get my hands on, he writes children's horror, well young adults horror, I think I was at secondary school when I read his books.
I must look into these people. 

7. I know it's getting repetitive but, favourite genre?
Anything! I'm really not that fussy! Well that's not that true, in general, I steer away from contemporary stories, though I have read some, and I really shouldn't but I never seem to read much French fiction (according to my Mum this is a bad thing cause it would help me keep my French level up). I am a complete sucker for anything dystopian, I can't get enough of it, high fantasy is a bit the same, and at the moment I seem to be really enjoying paranormal.
Haha, my mum's like that too!

8. Where do you live and do you like it there? Because I like to be creepy.
Nothing wrong with a bit of creepiness! I go to Uni in Birmingham (the UK Birmingham that is), but really I'm a Yorkshire Lass at heart, as they say, you can take the girl outta Yorkshire but you can't take the Yorkshire outta the girl! I also spent 6 months living and working in Paris, but you can't make good cups of tea with French water so I had to come home :-P
That is so cool! One day, I will visit the UK.

9. How old are you? Or if you don't want to be specific, give me a range.
I just turned 21, I don't feel 21, but then again I have a 4 year old brother to keep me young! He occasionally helps me with reviews to, if I get a children's book review request through.
Woohoo! Legal drinking age! Wait I'm not sure how it works in the UK, it's 18 in Australia.

10. Finally, what is/are your favourite quote/s? And any last notes?
Well I guess I have to include the quote that inspired my URL:
'A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only once.' George RR Martin
'No story lives unless someone wants to listen' J K Rowling
Those really are perfect quotes.

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