Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Book Review: All The Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry

All the Truth That's in MeFour years ago, Judith and her best friend disappeared from their small town of Roswell Station. Two years ago, only Judith returned, permanently mutilated, reviled and ignored by those who were once her friends and family. Unable to speak, Judith lives like a ghost in her own home, silently pouring out her thoughts to the boy who’s owned her heart as long as she can remember—even if he doesn’t know it—her childhood friend, Lucas. But when Roswell Station is attacked, long-buried secrets come to light, and Judith is forced to choose: continue to live in silence, or recover her voice, even if it means changing her world, and the lives around her, forever. This startlingly original novel will shock and disturb you; it will fill you with Judith’s passion and longing; and its mysteries will keep you feverishly turning the pages until the very last.
All The Truth That's In Me is a Young Adult Thriller mixed with heaps of suspense and mystery. It comes out officially in the US today! Still a bit longer for the Aussies though. Alright so straight into the review, when you first look at my rating, you must think woah, she didn't like it that much. But no! I actually really did. I gave it a 5 STARS on Goodreads because I truly loved the book. There are problems with it though. Problems that don't affect how much I like it overall but problems nonetheless. Again, either way, I LOVED THIS.

One of the things that makes this book unique is the second person writing. The only other book I've read with a second person perspective is Stolen and I absolutely HATED that book but I tried going into this book with an open mind. It took me quite awhile to really get used to the writing which is why the pacing was a bit slow for me. After that though, the writing blew my mind away.

The other downside of the second person writing is that I feel like I didn't really get to learn the personalities of the characters. There were plenty of bombshells that were dropped about what the characters did but nothing about what they're really like. But about the bombshells, oh my, so many bombshells. The way the murder mystery played out was probably the most intriguing part about this book. The love story was quite bland but the thriller aspect was amazing.

I still have yet to really wrap my head around the book but I do recommend it. If you're ready to try something new, this is for you. It was a really nice break from all the sappy YA that I've been reading. The book isn't too long but even so, the suspense is built to a major high. It definitely wasn't a light read so just beware before you start to read this ready to relax.

All The Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon
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