Thursday, September 19, 2013

Discussion + Giveaway: Books & Music On My Blog + Day 4

Hello everyone. Today, I'm going to talk about a pretty complicated topic for me. Just hear me out. It's going to be a very unorganised post but here goes. To really explain this, I have to go into the nitty gritties, all the way back to when I decided to start this blog. At first, I was going to post twice a month. What I read and what I listened to. Then two of my friends wanted to start about a book blog, so I was like hey, I how about you two do the books and I'll do the music. They agreed, but then they never mentioned it again.

So then, this was the time when I started promoting my blog. In January, I realised that I had to change all the 'we's to 'I's and I had to do it myself. I also realised that I had to post more. A LOT more. AND THEN I realised how much content books needed. Before I knew it, I was posting about books more than ever. I fell deeper and deeper into the book blog world and left my music sector hanging.

I tried my best to keep my books and music as even as possible. It was really hard and it's still really hard today. So many times, I've regretted making this blog a music and book blog. So many times, I've thought about just stopping all my music posts. I've wondered, would anyone notice? It's really hard for me knowing that probably 95%+ of my followers are here for just the books. Knowing that I'm probably spamming them with posts they really don't want to read is tough.

All my complaining aside, I'm going to try my very best to continue with music on my blog. There's no way I can keep it 50/50 but I'll try. Shout out to Robyn Jones who manages to comment on pretty much all of my music posts. I don't think she realises it, but those comments really keep me going. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So guys, I think you realise why I ALWAYS ask for music recommendations. What genres do you like? Artists? I need to know because I want to keep as many of my supporters happy as possible. I know a large majority of people still enjoy music, I just want to know what music it is.

Ramble finished. Phew, sorry for the long discussion! But now onto the giveaway. To celebrate one year and hopefully more years to come of books and music united on my blog, what other giveaway could I do? $15 to books, and $15 to music. Your choices! International because I love every single one of you for sticking around. Even if you're new.
a Rafflecopter giveawayPlease leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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