Saturday, September 7, 2013

Book Review: The Truth About You & Me by Amanda Grace

Smart girls aren't supposed to do stupid things.
Madelyn Hawkins is super smart. At sixteen, she's so gifted that she can attend college through a special program at her high school. On her first day, she meets Bennett. He's cute, funny, and kind. He understands Madelyn and what she's endured - and missed out on - in order to excel academically and please her parents. Now, for the first time in her life, she's falling in love.
There's only one problem. Bennett is Madelyn's college professor, and he thinks she's eighteen - because she hasn't told him the truth.
The story of their forbidden romance is told in letters that Madelyn writes to Bennett - both a heart-searing ode to their ill-fated love and an apology.
When I first read the synopsis of this book, which was after I requested to read and review it on Netgalley, I was actually a little grossed out. I've never been a fan of teacher and student relationships but I decided to give The Truth About You And Me a shot anyway. I'm fairly glad I did because I wizzed through this book.

First of all, I'm just going to say that as a piece of literary text, this is a bad book. BUT, did I enjoy it? Yes I enjoyed it a lot. Except, it's a bad book. Yeah, I know, I'm confusing but it's true. The characters seemed realistic to some point. Now looking back, I probably should've given two or even one star/s for the characters section but I did like the characters. Since there are really only two, the story doesn't get too confusing. The main negative is that there is really no kind of character development.

As you can see, the plot pace was amazing. I literally read this book in less than a day. Started it one night and finished it the next morning. For me, that's REALLY fast. It's partly due to the fact that it's a rather short book but even so, I promise that the pacing is spectacular. Even though it was really predictable, it was the kind of acceptable predictable. Where you know how it's going to end but you still kind of want to know how it got to that point.

The writing is the only relatively unique thing about this book. It was written in second person in the form of letters. What was really unique was that there were two letters. Without spoiling anything, let's just say they were the same but they won't. My experience with second person hasn't been too good but the second person in this book fits perfectly. Hence the name, The Truth About You And Me, and not, The Truth About Us. I feel like this book didn't give me any time to actually feel anything but even if it did, I'd be pretty neutral throughout the book, except when I feel disgusted.

Overall, do I recommend it, probably not. Only if you're looking for a really quick book. This would've been perfect for the Bout Of Books 8.0, I'm so sad that I didn't get to it then. If you'd like it, it officially comes out today! Please use my affiliate links to help support my blog!

The Truth About You & Me by Amanda Grace Goodreads Book Depository Amazon
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