Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Book Review + Giveaway: Matt Monroe and The Secret Society by Edward Torba + Day 3 - Book of Choice

16143802Matt Monroe, a fourteen-year-old boy, puts his fears aside as he travels to a same-time dimension to fulfill a prophecy. The saga begins when Matt finds a set of mysterious wooden tablets and an onyx ring. Soon he and his older brother, along with five friends, find themselves transported to the world of Paragon, where they face numerous obstacles. This is an account of deception and betrayal, mixed with courage and the bonds of friendship. Prepare yourself for an exciting adventure with an extraordinary ending.

The beginning of this book was absolutely amazing. It was a perfect start to a great book and it got me hooked instantly. I loved every single character in this books. Mostly, the were all very realistic. I liked that the main character was male. The story has a very Harry Potter feel to it. Don't quote me on that though because I've only watched the movies... But it has the whole 'chosen one' theme. Trust me though, the story is no where near predictable. It's a lot more than good and evil. It's filled with deceit, hardships and pain. But it's also all about family, friends and loyalty.

The alternating third person perspective used in the book was very effective. The amazing writing really allowed me to know each character. It also builds a lot of suspense because instead of being the all knowing reader, you don't know exactly what the character is thinking. Along with the amazing story line, the writing really allows this book to be fast paced.

Like I said before, the characters are very realistic. I know some people may view it as a good thing, I find the lack of swearing just isn't right. Things like "bleep" just don't sit right with me. The only other negative thing is that even though I connected with the characters, I didn't feel emotionally attached until the end. I feel like I read a lot of this book without any significant emotions. However, it was a good build up to the ending which was completely unpredictable and amazing and just wow.

I definitely recommend checking out this book. Especially if you're a fan of Fantasy and Harry Potter.

Continuing on with my blogaversary celebrations, here is Day 3's giveaway. Today, you can win up to $20 worth in any e-books you'd like. Make sure you enter everyday for your chance to win $150 worth of prizes. All giveaways here.
a Rafflecopter giveawayMatt Monroe and The Secret Society by Edward Torba | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon | Free Download
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