Sunday, September 22, 2013

One Year Blogaversary: Massive Giveaway + Day 1 - 7

Yay! After a weeks worth of celebration leading up to today, it's finally my official one year blogaversary. I still not sure whether it's spelled with an e, o, i or a but I like a best. Here are all my posts from the past week that were apart of my celebrations.

Monday: $10 Amazon Gift Card/ PayPal Transfer
Tuesday: Your Choice of Any Album/s Up To $20
Wednesday: Your Choice of Any E-book/s Up To $20
Thursday: $15 for E-book/s + $15 for Music
Friday: 2 Albums: Born To Die Paradise Edition + Summertime Sadness Remixes
Saturday: 3 E-books: Shift by Em Bailey + The Knife Of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness + Book of Choice
Sunday: $20 to the Book Depository + $20 for Albums

Wow has this year gone by fast. I'd just like to take this time to say thank you. Thank you so much. Please realise that each and every single person who has ever supported my blog in anyway big or small has helped me so much. You have all given me so many new opportunities that I would've never had without you. I've met so many new people. Come across so many new and amazing blogs. I've truly had the best experience of my life. Whenever I get sick of reality, this blog and it's supporters have always been there. Thank you. I appreciate everything and I'm so grateful.

I try to always say good luck to all the people commenting on my giveaways but sometimes it gets really tedious. I still wish each and everyone of you the best of luck. I wish I could give you all a prize. Even though I can't, remember I'm always here to help. No matter what it be, you can contact me. Like my rhyming? Haha, yeah I know, it's awesome.

For my final giveaway, I'll be giving away $20 worth of books from the Book Depository or if you'd prefer, e-copies, that's up to you. Also, you can choose $20 worth of any music whether it be singles or albums. All my giveaways will last until the 16th of October.
a Rafflecopter giveawayPlease leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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