Monday, September 16, 2013

One Year Blogaversary: Massive Giveaway + Day 1 - $10 Giftcard

In exactly one week, my blog will be officially up for one whole year. All the people that have been around for years will probably think that one year is nothing but it's rather crazy for me. I never would've thought that I'd be able to keep up the blog for so long. I've met so many new people and been through so many experiences. Without my blog, my knowledge of HTML, design, Photoshop etc. would've never grown to what it is today. Yay for my one year blogaversary! (blogiversary, blogeversary... how?!)

So honestly, even though I've had my blog up since 2012, I didn't REALLY start blogging until February or March this year. So you could say that really, it's not my blog's birthday yet but I was too excited. I wanted to celebrate! I remember my very first milestone giveaway, all the way back in May when I had my 100 followers giveaway. I'm amazed at how much my blog has grown. I love all the people who always take the time to comment on my blog. To all the people who have ever supported my blog in any way, thank you. I can't express how grateful I am.

I remember my first review. It was for The Selection in October. Then my first music review, Set Me On Fire in Januaray. God, I was such a bad reviewer. Even though I'm still not perfect, I'm happy with how I rate my books, music and how I set out my reviews. I was also, clearly, a very in frequent blogger. The more I got into it though, the more I posted! In the last few months I've been posting A LOT, well a lot for me. But slowly, I've been trying to calm it down. I don't want to spam anyone with my crazy posts.

Okay now on to the part you've been waiting for. The giveaway. It's will be $150+. I'll be having a giveaway everyday for the next week in the lead up to my blogaversary. I get that ads and affiliate links and all that can be rather annoying but, they do go back into you guys. Most of this giveaway is only here because of the money I've gotten from clicked ads, impressions and buying from my affiliate links over this past year.

Monday: $10 Amazon Gift Card/ PayPal Transfer
Tuesday: Your Choice of Any Album/s Up To $20
Wednesday: Your Choice of Any E-book/s Up To $20
Thursday: $15 for E-book/s + $15 for Music
Friday: 2 Albums: Born To Die Paradise Edition + Summertime Sadness Remixes
Saturday: 3 E-books: Shift by Em Bailey + The Knife Of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness + Book of Choice
Sunday: $20 to the Book Depository + $20 for Albums

All giveaways will be INTERNATIONAL and will be open to midnight on the 16th of October, one month after today. Winners will have 48 hours to reply to the email.
a Rafflecopter giveawayPlease leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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