Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book Review: Countdown by Michelle Rowen

177935973 seconds left to live.
Once the countdown starts, it cannot be stopped.
2 pawns thrown into a brutal underground reality game.
Kira Jordan survived her family's murder and months on plague-devastated city streets with hard-won savvy and a low-level psi ability. She figures she can handle anything. Until she wakes up in a barren room, chained next to the notorious Rogan Ellis.
1 reason Kira will never, ever trust Rogan. Even though both their lives depend on it.
Their every move is controlled and televised for a vicious exclusive audience. And as Kira's psi skill unexpectedly grows and Rogan's secrets prove evermore deadly, Kira's only chance of survival is to risk trusting him as much as her instincts. Even if that means running head-on into the one trap she can't escape.
I know I've been MIA for awhile and I missed last Sunday's Sit Tight Sunday post and I haven't been replying to comments but I'm finally back. Even so, this post probably should've gone up earlier. Away with the negativity though because this is going to be a positive review. A very positive review for that matter. Countdown was just one of those books. I kind of wanted to give it a 100% rating but I feel like there's always room for improvement.

I was instantly hooked. It was one of those books where I could put it over everything else. When I have free time, I sit down and I think, laptop or book and Countdown always won the game. Michelle Rowen's writing was extremely gripping. Bombshells were dropped before you even knew a war had started. I felt like Kira, not the author, the protagonist was actually talking to me. Rowen's writing brought the characters and the story to life.

While, I'm talking about characters, I really actually loved Kira. Just as I start getting annoyed because she isn't understanding, she becomes understanding. Sometimes it takes a few pages too long but I understand that she had trust issues. I also loved Rogan and all the other characters. And I absolutely adored the world. Michelle Rowen's world building was spectacular. Even though I can easily see this being compared to The Hunger Games, the game of Countdown is really unique. The back story of how the game came to be really shows how much planning went into this story,

There were some aspects of the story that were somewhat predictable but who cares?! The ending was the bestest most amazingest and very mostest cutest of cutest endings ever! This is why stand-a-lone books can be the best sometimes. No cliffhangers, just perfection. The journey or the light at the end of the tunnel? I really can't choose! 

Countdown by Michelle Rowen is worth it. It's just wow. If you haven't read it yet, I VERY HIGHLY recommend you do. It just went onto my favourites list! It is now officially released in e-book form and in most places. I'm pretty sure some of you might need to give it a few more days but pre-order it if you have to. Just wow.

Countdown by Michelle Rowen Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon
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