Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Book Review: It's Raining Men by Milly Johnson

It's Raining Men Milly JohnsonBest friends May, Lara and Clare are desperate for a holiday. They have been dreaming of a little cottage away from it all, long walks in the country and just a bit of time away from it all. But when they arrive in Ren Dullem, a small Yorkshire seaside town, it seems it is not the place they thought it was...
May has never quite found her niche in life, or her Mr Right. Then in Dullem she falls hook line and sinker at first glance for one of the inhabitants - but he's already taken.
Lara is living with James and his awful step-children who taunt her with tales of his younger, prettier ex whom they adored. The woman who Lara walks in to find James in bed with despite all his protestations that he wouldn't touch her again with a barge pole. Reeling from the hurt, she needs the sea air of Dullem to heal her. What she doesn't need is to be constantly in battle with the owner of the holiday cottage - a man who is every bit as bitter and resentful and untrusting of the other sex as she is.
Clare's fiance Hugh wants her to go and live abroad with him for two years, but she's just been offered the promotion of a life-time. She needs some headspace to think about what she needs to do, but then she meets a very bad boy who is everything Hugh isn't - impulsive, wild and dangerous. Will this holiday be the break they all need? Or will it bring them all to breaking point...?
I absolutely hate writing bad reviews. Even worse, I hate having to mark a book as DNF. I promise, I've been trying extremely hard to finish it. I've been reading It's Raining Men since the 28th of August. It hardly ever takes that long for me to read a book. I really wanted to like it because one, the cover is gorgeous, and two, I've heard people say that it's the best book Milly Johnson has.

Unfortunately, this book was so extremely slow for me. I just never really felt like I wanted to read it. With some books, I can automatically pick it up and read. For this, I'd open the book and then think of something 'better' to do. I kind of made my own excuses to not read it because I really didn't want to. Even when the story got interesting, I just never really cared. I think the predictability played a part. Even now, after only reading half the book, I'm quite sure I know exactly how it's going to end.

The characters and the emotional aspect connect for me in this book.  Because I never got emotionally connected to the characters, I never loved the story as much as I could have. Even though the characters are very realistic in the way they think and act, I just didn't feel sorry for them.

However, I did like Milly Johnson's writing. I like how she portrays each character. The story-line she was going with was actually rather interesting. But for me, it just didn't work. I think maybe I'm just not too used to reading this kind of Chick-Lit. If that's your thing though, I say go for it. Thanks to Simon & Shuster for sending this book to me for review though,

Favourite quotes:
"Do you ever feel like you're on a treadmill and daren't get off because if you do you'll realise you've been on the wrong one?"
"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain."

It's Raining Men by Milly Johnson | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon 
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