Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bout of Books 7.0: Goals

It's Monday! Alright so if you read my previous post, you would've seen that I'm not reading a lot but I'm still reading a lot more than I usually do. I will be trying to read before I sleep and throughout the day whenever I can find the time. I don't want to make a set goal but this is how I will feel:
1 Book - Disappointed
2 Books - Fairly Disappointed (but not too surprised)
3 Books - Pretty Happy
4 Books - Extremely Excited
More Than 4 Books - I'll Probably Just Cry
I also hope to do a few challanges as well.

The books I plan to read in order are:

(^ Currently On Page 152)


Let's get the party started!
Buy Books on the Book Depository
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