Friday, May 10, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #1: Mother's Day

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Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
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 Q: Happy Mother's Day! Who is your favorite mom from fiction?

Most people are choosing Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter or Mrs. Bennet from Pride & Prejudice. Now I know that someone will probably hunt me down for this but to be honest, I've read neither. I know, where is my life? But I've just never felt the urge to read either. So my answer has to be Clary's mum (I'm Australian, it's a u not an o) from The Mortal Instruments. Jocelyn Fairchild! Though she's not a main character, she plays a vital factor. I love how strong and beautiful she is. It's where Clary gets it all from.

 I don't mind how you follow. I have GFC, Bloglovin' and RSS Feed. Whatever is easiest for you, I appreciate every single one of my followers no matter how you follow. I'm just grateful for being able to share my thoughts with you.
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