Thursday, August 29, 2013

Book Review: Crash by Nicole Williams

Crash Nicole WilliamsSouthpointe High is the last place Lucy wanted to wind up her senior year of school. Right up until she stumbles into Jude Ryder, a guy whose name has become its own verb, and synonymous with trouble. He's got a rap sheet that runs longer than a senior thesis, has had his name sighed, shouted, and cursed by more women than Lucy dares to ask, and lives at the local boys home where disturbed seems to be the status quo for the residents. Lucy had a stable at best, quirky at worst, upbringing. She lives for wearing the satin down on her ballet shoes, has her sights set on Juilliard, and has been careful to keep trouble out of her life. Up until now.
Jude's everything she needs to stay away from if she wants to separate her past from her future. Staying away, she's about to find out, is the only thing she's incapable of.
For Lucy Larson and Jude Ryder, love's about to become the thing that tears them apart.
When you first look at my rating, it definitely looks like I quite hated the book. I guess to a point, I did but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I gave it 4 STARS on Goodreads because it was a nice read, it just really pissed me off. First things first, I HATED LUCY SO MUCH. She was such a bitch to Jude. Sometimes when I read, I like to take notes and the words I used were A LOT more rude than bitch. I feel like she always thought the worst of him. I mean, she's meant to 'love' him! I had a lot of STFU moments. But, I did like Jude, so that's where that one star came from. His character development was fairly good. I also liked that the parents were present throughout the book and they actually played a part in the story.

The plot pace was really fast. I think that part of this is because it was so predictable. I'm not sure how that worked but I read this in a bout a day or two which is really fast for me. I just wanted to keep reading it even though I didn't. There were a few shockers every now and then which is why I gave the predictability 2 instead of 1. The writing was nothing special. It wasn't bad but I think because I hated Lucy so much, I had to deduct more. See how I gave the emotions a 5? Majority of this is because it got me really riled up but there were those really cute moments too. What's a YA Contemporary without swooning. That's why in the end, I still enjoyed it.

Crash has definitely made it into my love/hate list. Do I recommend it? Probably not the first book that would come to mind. However, if you don't get annoyed as easily as I do, it's a good Young Adult read. I really don't have any intention to read the next book but maybe one day. I hate doing negative reviews but I'm sick and tired of annoying girls. Plus, it's also considered a New Adult so if you want to see more of that genre, this is a good book to check out. Sorry for the ranting.

Crash by Nicole Williams | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon| Audiobooks
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