Thursday, August 1, 2013

Review: Banish by Nicola Marsh

BanishAlyssa has one week to destroy her enemy, save her spirit... and save her soul.
After her ex-boyfriend commits suicide and her mum’s alcoholism sparks yet another psychotic episode, seventeen-year-old Alyssa Wood flees her small hometown of Broadwater and heads to New York City to stay with her bohemian aunt — a Wicca High Priestess.
Alyssa revels in the anonymity of a big city and her new life. Her grades climb, she has a new best friend, and a new guy: the sexy geek Ronan — a saxophone player who prefers jazz to pop.
But her newfound peace is soon shattered when she sees a dead body in one of Ronan’s music clips — and she’s the only one who can see it. Worse still, Alyssa recognises the body that has been murdered a week forward!
Alyssa doesn’t believe in the supernatural...despite her family’s Wicca background. So how will she overcome evil when it’s closer than she thinks?

Banish is a Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy. Right up my alley! Nicola Marsh is an Aussie writer from Melbourne which is super cool. I always feel like Australian authors never get the spotlight. I received an ARC from Harlequin (thank you) and so I read it before it came out. Banish comes out today! YAY! I read this after reading a pretty bad book. I was on the verge of a reading slump and this book saved me. I gave Banish 5 STARS and added it to my Goodreads Favourites list immediately. Read more to see why I absolutely adored this amazing read. Alliteration intended.
The protagonist, Alyssa, was super easy to like and enjoy. Even though she's not as relatable as some other characters can be, I really like her. It's really hard to talk about characters without ruining the story because I don't want to ruin the mystery aspect of the book. Alyssa is living with her Aunt, who is a really cool person, because her mother was going crazy. Her love interest, Ronan, seemed super sweet as well. Then there's her 'best friend' Seth who has helped her after she moved towns. All the characters are really unique with heaps of mysteries to uncover.
Banish will fill you with swoons,wonder and fright as the romance and the suspense builds. The romance was so extremely cute that I just couldn't help but love the characters. The mystery and suspense that surrounds this story really adds a lovely element to the book. What I really loved though was the slight horror element. It was the perfect balance for me to be scared but not scared to death. Nicola Marsh's writing was really easy to read and enjoy. Extremely fast-paced and adorable but scary.
The only part of this book that I didn't like was how much Alyssa didn't like her mum. I felt like she was a bit too harsh but then again, teenagers are like that.
Banish is a underhyped book that deserves the rave. I would 100% recommend this to everyone. I promise that you'll love it if you enjoy Paranormal YA. I hope you'll check it out! Go run and buy it or at least add it to your to-read list.

Buy Banish on the Book Depository
Buy Banish on Amazon
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