Monday, August 19, 2013

Bout Of Books 8.0: Re-Title It Challenge

Welcome fellow Bout of Books Read-a-Thoners! Today I'll be hosting the Re-Title It Challenge. Sound too easy? Well actually, it is that easy. All you have to do is rename the book you're currently reading or more if you'd like. If you've haven't started a book, you can judge it by the cover. For all you bothered people, if this is too easy, don't worry! You can remake the whole cover if you'd like as well. Either way, I'd love to see what all you guys come up with. Here's an example:


After, you've let your creativity run wild, all you have to do is link it below. Then, after all the entries have been linked, I'll use to choose the winner. Don't worry, I won't include my own. I will update this post with it and contact the winner. You can continue to leave your links in the comments after today but it won't count as an entry. I'll still check it out though! I was going to do a Rafflecopter giveaway but I didn't want to force you guys to follow me. I think this is easier so you can follow my blog if you like it but you don't have too. I hope you do though!

This is your chance to win $20 worth of any e-books you like! Don't worry if you don't win though, my one year blogiversary is coming up soon and I'm planning to do a MASSIVE giveaway, like GIGANTIC. Also, you can enter my $50 Vamps Vs. Zombies Giveaway happening right now. Alright, I'll stop rambling now.

Official Rules/Details
   --- It can be a video, blog post, tweet, doesn't matter!
- Must be a Bout of Books 8.0 participant to enter.
- Giveaway ends 11:59pm on the 20th of August (CST).
- Must live on Earth, doesn't matter what species you are.
- I don't really mind how old you are, I think you can judge for yourself.
- You can win $20 worth of any e-books for all devices. It's okay if you go a bit over.
Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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