Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sit Tight Sunday #8: All Eyes On Me by Britney Spears.

Sit Tight Sunday is a weekly feature on my blog for me to showcase upcoming music. The original post can be found here.

Genres: Dance-Pop, Pop, Electropop
Released: 17 September 2013
RCA Records

It's Britney bitch. Well not yet but soon! Britney's newest single after all the ones released for Femme Fatale is coming! I feel like Britney Spears has been around forever and I guess she may as well have been. I'm not her biggest fan, scandals aside, I actually do enjoy most of her music. I'm really hoping that All Eyes On Me will fall under the 'like' category. She's made some quite bizarre songs in the past so I'm not exactly sure what to expect. You can check out for a countdown to the release.

Buy on iTunes
... Once it's available for Pre-Order.

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