Friday, August 16, 2013

Vamps vs Zombies Blog Hop: Giveaway

My Shelf Confessions

My Shelf Confessions is having a month long event celebrating all things Zombie and Vampire! All info here.

I had heaps of fun doing the Books, Brains ‘n Blood Read-a-Thon and now I will be participating in the Giveaway Hop. YAY for giveaways like usual. This is going to be heaps of fun because after you enter my giveaway, you can enter the next. Tens of bloggers have joined this blog hop with their own separate giveaway. So what I'm I giving away? I'm giving away FIFTY DOLLARS, or $50 worth of any e-books you like. As long as they're vampire or zombie themed. I might make a few exceptions but I'll see.

This giveaway is INTL as long as I can send you the prizes through email. I can most likely get your books in any format so that means it doesn't matter if you have an iPad, Kindle, Nook or any other generic e-reader, you can join! The giveaway runs from the 17th-30th. Drop a comment telling me what book/s you might want if you won. Also, if you've followed my blog, you can come back each day for more entries. Follow once, and get more and more entries each day. Good luck everyone! I hope yous have heaps of fun!
a Rafflecopter giveawayPlease leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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