Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Book Review: Star Attraction by Vanessa Stubbs

Star AttractionHe's the most famous and most desired man in the world.
She's a hard-news journalist trying to keep her job.
When Sydney girl Madison Edwards is sent to interview Hollywood heartthrob Jamie Hall, as far as she's concerned it's an embarrassing blot on her credibility. As far as Jamie is concerned, Madison is just one of the thousands of people who want a piece of him. They both turn out to be wrong.
When an unimaginable attraction develops between them, they're momentarily blinded. Could it be true love or just the glare of the paparazzi's flashbulbs?
This stellar debut is a deliciously seductive story of our times, about celebrity and stardom – and about finding something real and true, even when the whole world is watching.
Star Attraction Vanessa Stubbs
Star Attraction is a new Modern Contemporary filled with romance and drama. It comes out today!

First off, I LOVE the main character. I love how professional she is and how she doesn't get super catty at every single little thing the guy does. When the characters do get mad, there's an actual reason that isn't stupid. The concept of a journalist and a celebrity is just a tad bit cliche but I actually really enjoyed the story between Madison and Jamie. There was also another story intertwined with the main one about Lucy, Madison's best friend. I love how the two connected.

The story was very fast paced at first but I feel as though it slowed don't quite a bit near the end before it picked up again. However, the writing was wonderful though. It's different because instead of the classic two first person perspectives, Amanda Stubbs uses alternating third person perspectives. The writing really captivated how the characters felt and what their personalities were like. I like how she explores the theme of jealousy without an overly annoying jealous !%&#.

At points, it was really predictable but then again, a story like this can't happen any other way. I really enjoyed how the story was wrapped up so neatly at the end. Again, expected but still beautiful. This story left me swooning and swooning. It was just soo cute. Definitely a very good read and I'm glad to be reading from an Australian author. I also like how the main setting was right here down under. I definitely recommend this to all Romance and Contemporary lovers.

Star Attraction | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon
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