Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Book Review: Fighting For Flight by JB Salsbury

Fighting for Flight (Fighting, #1)What happens when in order to win, you’re forced to lose?The only daughter of an infamous Las Vegas pimp, Raven Morretti grew up an outsider. Liberated from the neglectful home of her prostitute mother, she finds solace as a mechanic. With few friends, she’s content with the simple life. Flying under the radar is all she knows, and more than she expects.
Until she catches the eye of local celebrity, UFL playboy Jonah Slade.
Weeks away from his title fight, Jonah is determined to stay focused on everything he’s trained so hard to achieve. Undefeated in the octagon, he’s at the height of his career. But resisting Raven’s effortless allure and uncomplicated nature is a fight he can’t win.
Jonah trades in his bad-boy reputation and puts his heart on the line. But when her father contacts her, setting in motion the ugly truth of her destiny, Jonah must choose. In a high-stakes gamble where love and freedom hang in the balance, a war is waged where the price of losing is a fate worse than death.
Will the hotheaded Jonah be able to restrain his inner fighter to save the woman he loves?
Or will Raven be forced into a life she’s been desperate to avoid?
This review is LONG overdue. I read this book all the way back in June for the Debut-A-Thon and I'm finally getting to review it now. As soon as this book started, I knew it was going to break my heart. The prologue was so heartfelt and I was ready to brace myself. As the book continued, I laughed a lot as well. Adding to that, I giggled a lot, like you have no idea how much. This book had so many swoon worthy moments. I was literally smiling so much that my jaws began to ache. The love and romance is just so sweet. A full 5 STARS on Goodreads from me.

I read this book so fast. The pacing was amazing. Right from the beginning, I knew it was everything I love in a book and more. The actual story-line is really predictable though. It's the classic bad-ass player stops screwing every girl when he meets a virgin who's 'the one'. I love it even though some people might be way over it. There was this one part, where Jonah was telling his mum that he's in love with his mechanic and his mum thought that he was gay. It was the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. Don't worry, it's not really a spoiler. Plus, just a note that I 100% support gay rights, hence the featured video in the sidebar.

Once it got to the end, there was one super annoying part. The two point of views create the biggest dramatic irony ever. It's like worse than Romeo and Juliet. I hated it so much because the girl thought one thing but the guy was doing something else. Then Raven gets full pissed at him and I get that she just didn't know but like why can't characters in books just ask simple questions like "What were you doing?" Like all their problems could be fixed if they just talked.

But either way, the epilogue was amazing. It was really the most adorable thing ever. I'm glad the ending was ambiguous. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel. Thank you to JB Salsbury for giving me a review copy, it has become one of my favourites. If you like New Adult or Romance, or you want to explore either, this book is for you. Trust me, it's amazing, fast paced. It will warm your heart and break it all at once.

Favourite quotes:
"If I flip a coin, what are the chances I'll get a head?"
"You, Raven Moretti, are mine. Doesn't matter if you're a virgin or an alien. What you've told me changes nothing. Not. One. Thing."
"Cute? I don't want to be cute." - "Well too bad, because you are."
"But hope is such a dangerous thing."

Fighting For Flight by J.B. Salsbury  | Goodreads |  Amazon
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