Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bout Of Books 8.0: Wrap Up

Bout of Books
Alright so let's just say that this didn't go as planned. I wanted to read 5 books this week but yeah, that didn't happen. I started off alright with 234 on the first day but it all just started going downhill. 191, 160, 120, 95... I guess I'm not too sad because I know that I still read more than I normally would have. Life gets in the way a lot and sometimes, the universe throws unexpected things your way. I was happy that I hosted a challenge on the second day. 81 people entered! I'm amazed! I didn't complete as many challenges myself but like I said before, life gets in the way. Some days, the challenges just didn't really appeal to me either. I couldn't participate in all Twitter chats because I'm Australian. Stupid timezones.

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Re-Title It Challenge
Alrighty, enough about my failure. How did you go?

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