Saturday, August 3, 2013

Books, Brains ‘n Blood Read-A-Thon: Progress

Books, Brains 'n Blood Read-a-Thon
My Shelf Confessions is having a month long event celebrating all things Zombie and Vampire! All info here.

Hey everyone. The Books, Brains 'n Blood Read-A-Thon has officially started! This is the post that will contain all of my progress across the five days of the Read-A-Thon. I will also be doing my Wrap Up here. So when the Read-A-Thon is over, I'll just write a short summary of how I though I went. To see my goals and sign up, you can check out the post here. I will also be hosting a challenge from the 4th to the 10th and that will be in a separate post. I'm started to get pumped. Are you? Let's get excited!

Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 66
Pages read today:  66
Percentage of current book: The Summoning - 17%
Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 183
Pages read today: 117
Percentage of current book: The Summoning - 47%
Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 391
Pages read today: 108
Percentage of current book: The Immortal Rules - 1%

Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 500
Pages read today: 109
Percentage of current book: The Immortal Rules - 21%

Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 572
Pages read today: 72
Percentage of current book: The Immortal Rules - 34%

Wrap Up
I didn't go so well but it's okay. I was really busy and I'm glad I read as much as I did. If this read-a-thon wasn't on, I probably would've read a lot less. I could of regret reading The Summoning because I only read thinking it was a vampire book but oh well, at least I liked it. Unfortunately I couldn't get to Feed but I might still read it one day. 

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