Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bout Of Books 8.0: Goals + Progress

Bout of Books
Less than a week left! Bout of Books 8.0 is happening and I'm excited to be participating. Here are my basic goals for the duration of the read-a-thon. If you're participating too, leave me a comment! I'd love to see your goals too.

I want to read for AT LEAST 2 hours each day. Last time, I aimed for 4 books but this time, I really want to push it and read 5. I so wish I was on holiday but I try to read a lot on the weekends. I want to get my ARCs out of the way for this read-a-thon but my choices might change. I have 4 ARCs that I need to read and if I finish those, I'll read something random.

Killer Queens by Rebecca Chance | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon
It's Raining Men by Milly Johnson Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon 
The Truth About You & Me by Amanda Grace | Goodreads | Book Depository Amazon
All The Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon

Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 234
Pages read today: 234
Percentage of current book: Killer Queens - 40%
                            Prodigy - 10%
Challenges completed:
Book Pairing
I tweeted! You can see my tweet here: #PairAThon Tweet

Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 425
Pages read today: 191
Percentage of current book: Killer Queens - 74%
                            Prodigy - 14%
Challenges completed: I hosted the challenge today!

Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 585
Pages read today: 160
Percentage of current book: Prodigy - 24%
Challenges completed: I didn't complete any today. :'(

Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 705
Pages read today: 120
Percentage of current book:  All The Truth That's In Me - 47%
                            Prodigy - 24%
Challenges completed: None today either. D:

Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 800
Pages read today: 95
Percentage of current book: All The Truth That's In Me - 78%
                            Prodigy - 24%
Challenges completed:
Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf
I commented on the post answering about a book I'd love to read but have yet to find.

Books completed so far: 2
Pages read so far: 881
Pages read today: 81
Percentage of current book: Prodigy - 30%
Challenges completed:
Little Lovely Books
I'll be honest, I really haven't had the time to explore all the other participants so I've only found a few. All the others are blogs that I already know since I've tried my best to familiarize myself with most of the book bloggers.
Book Pairing who hosted the challenge on the first day.
Reading In Winter who won the challenge that I hosted.
Bemused Bookworm, The Book Tower & The Coffee House who were among the first to enter my challenge with a blog post. I was going to comment on all the entries but woke up with 81 and then gave up at 7...

Books completed so far:
Pages read so far:
Pages read today:
Percentage of current book:
Challenges completed:

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