Thursday, August 1, 2013

Guest Post: Is Book Marketing Really Worth It?

Written by Authoright ( Authoright has been helping authors since 2005. We were set up by a writer and book marketing professional who wanted to help fellow writers raise their profiles and promote their books on a national scale. Historically, effective book marketing has been the preserve of well-known authors and as such the media market has been largely closed off to traditionally published mid-list authors, smaller publishing houses with limited budgets and self-publishing companies and their authors.

Have you just written a book? Perhaps you are considering the best options available to you for promotion? You've seen some authors getting huge sales and, obviously, you want the same. How do you decide what marketing to go for, if any? Is it actually worth it at all?
Know Your Budget
Before you get started, you need to have a clear budget in mind. There's no point deciding to go all out and then find you can't afford to pay for it. Don't exceed your budget at any point, even if the deal sounds tempting; if you can't afford it, walk away. Book marketing companies often take out all the leg work for you, which can be a huge relief when things get hectic. Look into the deal you're being offered to see what the profit margins are for the company. For example, if a website charges £1,000 to advertise on their site and you're getting a bill for £2,000, think carefully about whether that is the right marketing company for you.
Check The History
The companies that offer the best book marketing services are the ones who will have the best feedback from their previous customers. If authors are coming back to the same company for other books, you know you're onto a good thing. People are quite happy to talk about positive experiences so ask around and find out the general reputation of the marketing company. Also see if they have a testimonials page on their website - a good company will be keen to show off their great reputation.
Decide What You Want
The type of advertising you have can largely depend on your budget. If money is tight, you will struggle to afford a billboard sign in central London. However, look at all the options available; you can get some great marketing for your book from what seems like an unusual place. Local newsletters may cover a smaller area but there's nothing to stop you advertising in various newsletters, rather than just one. While it can be tempting to try and do all the marketing yourself, paying a professional company to do it can be worth the investment. Getting a company who specialises in book marketing to work your book can save you time and they will often have access to resources that you may not be aware of.
If you want to make the most of the book marketing services, you need to be prepared to do some work yourself. Use your social media networks to boost interest in the book. Tweet about it and create a page on Facebook for the latest book. It may be worth arranging a reading at some local book stores to garner further interest. Advertise these readings online and make sure you get back to everyone who asks any questions. Start a blog and keep it updated regularly. This is an especially good idea during the writing process; giving the readers a look into your thought processes during the creation of the book can make for great reading. It'll get people excited about the book before it's even finished, potentially increasing sales in the long run.

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