Monday, August 5, 2013

Massive [Not Really] Changes To My Blog!

Hi guys! The first thing, Disqus. At first, I was going to wait another month to see how the poll went but in the end, I got too excited. The reason I made the poll in the first place was because I wanted to change to Disqus. Majority ruled. So now, if you look back at my comments, it will make absolutely no sense. I kind of wish I would've made it Disqus from the beginning but oh well. I dare you to try make sense of the comments in all my previous post. No, I'm just kidding. It really makes no sense because the replies are in a weird order and everything.

Also, I'm going to be making quite a few new changes to my blog. It really hurts me to do this because I love consistency but I though it'd be better to make all the changes at once. Other than the comments, the biggest changes I'm planning to make include:
1. 'Review' to 'Music Review' or 'Book Review'. Now in my titles, it will be more clear what kind of review the post is going to be on.
2. New rating system. This one is coming soon. I have a good idea of what I'm planning to do but I haven't made it solid just yet. I think I want to do something similar to Asti from A Bookish Heart.
3. One of my favourite blogs is Snuggly Oranges, this is because she uses gifs. I hope Debby doesn't mind but I'm just going to, um, take the idea. Haha, I just think gifs are so much fun! I'm going to try to incorporate them into more of my posts.
4. All the other changes are little things. This that you probably really won't notice unless you're like obsessed with my blog.

Everything else should be the same. Right now, the three features I have on my blog are:
Friday: Feature & Follow Friday
Saturday: Stacking The Shelves
Sunday: Sit Tight Sunday
I don't plan to add anymore as of right now because my blog is already way too crowded.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what else I should change, now is the time. I'm ready for a change so definitely let me know in the new and improved comments or drop me an email. Don't worry if you think it's mean, I won't hate you. In fact, I'll probably love you more. Just while I'm in the mood, thank you to all the people who have supported me along the way. I would love to do more giveaways and I'm always open to creative giveaway ideas. I hope all of you lovelies have a fantastic rest of the day.

I bet this is exactly what you're thinking. Yes guys, yes you do.
Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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