Thursday, August 15, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #15: Tricks Learnt + Last Time

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Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
Click here for more info!

Q: Share something you’ve learned about book blogging or just blogging in general in the last month.

I've learnt many many things in the process of blogging. In the past month, I've learnt how to do things such as the slider that features my latest posts. It was excruciatingly hard but it wasn't too bad. I know, paradox but it was only hard because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my blog. My experience with blogging has been amazing because I've learnt how to do so many things with blog design. I'm Asian, which makes me really cheap, which means I still have yet to pay someone to do my blog design. I'm guess I'm glad I never did though because otherwise, I would've never learnt how to do things like my blockquote, slider and how to use Photoshop CS6. Just while I'm talking about blog design, just a reminder that I offer free blog designing for all the simple stuff. If there are any elements on my blog that you'd like to see on yours, feel free to contact me.

I know that weekly memes are meant to be forever. I feel really bad 'quitting' but at this point, I don't want to continue doing the Feature and Follow Friday posts. I still and always will follow back anyone who lets me know that they have a blog. Nowadays, I have so many posts that I have to do and this post takes up a day of what could be a different post. I don't like posting too much on one day. Once again, I will still follow back everyone because I love my followers, I've just decided that I don't want to do these posts again. Farewell guys. Especially to Jessica @ a GREAT read who manages to leave a comment on every single one of these posts.

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