Saturday, August 24, 2013

Book Review: Killer Queens by Rebecca Chance

Killer Queens (Kindle Edition)Every little girl grows up dreaming of finding a prince - but what is the fairy tale turns into a right royal nightmare?
Lori is a beautiful, blonde, all-American athlete. When the charismatic ruler of a small, filthy rich European state asks for her hand, she thinks she's snagged Prince Charming. But she soon realizes that all that glitters is not gold...
Belinda was once the most recognized and loved princess in the world. Forced to stage her own death, she lives incognito abroad with her adoring royal lover. Now, she is determined to return to England to see her son Hugo wed, even if it means risking her own life.
Chloe, Prince Hugo's fiancée, is the archetypical English rose. But it's a long road to becoming a princess, even when you're dating the heir to the throne. Perhaps the fairy-tale ending isn't all it was cracked up to be...
Killer queens, scheming kings, murder plots and lashings of steamy sex - find out what REALLY goes on behind closed palace doors.
Killer Queens has three different main story lines. At first, you have no idea how Lori, Belinda and Chloe's stories would intertwine but as the story goes on, it becomes clearer and clearer. Even so, this book has some very unpredictable aspects. You have no idea how many times I just outright gasped. The way Rebecca Chance delivers the bombshells is spectacular as well. You know that something is coming but then suddenly, what you first expected is completely turned around.

Even though Rebecca's writing didn't completely wow me, the way she portrays the character's stories was effortless. The third person she uses still manages to delve into the character's thoughts. She also utilizes short monologues every now and then to bring out the character. Sometimes, I really wanted to scream at Chloe and Lori but in the end, it works out okay. My favourite character has to be Belinda.

The pacing of the story isn't fast but it isn't slow either. I thought that Lori's chapters went the slowest. I was pretty bummed when I realised how many chapters were hers but by the end, I understood that it needed to be that way. This book is 100% drama. Bombshell after bombshell mixed with steamy scenes to make the perfect cocktail. If you're looking for Chick Lit with a twist, this is for you.

Killer Queens by Rebecca Chance | Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon
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