Friday, June 28, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Poemify That Debut Challenge

Poemify That Debut
This is Challenge #3 out of 4 and the last one I'm hosting on my blog for the Debut-A-Thon. Basically, it's all in the title. You have to make an acrostic poem from the title of the debut you're currently reading. One winner will win:
- Your choice of any YA debut e-book.
- Your choice of any e-book.
Make sure you're signed up to the Debut-A-Thon here. You have 24 hours to complete this hopefully fun and not to hard challenge. Just post your song and book in a post on your blog/Twitter/YouTube/Facebook/Goodreads etc. Drop your link in a comment and that's it, you're entered! Like yesterday's the winner will be chosen through If you win, I'll contact you through whatever you used to enter. Let me know if there are any problems. Good luck to all that entered the past giveaways!

I'm currently reading Reboot by Amy Tintera. I made my poem fit the premise of the book but yours doesn't have to. It can be about anything you'd like. It can be a one word per letter poem. Have fun and don't stress.

Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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