Friday, June 28, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Pair That Debut Challenge

Pair That Debut
Welcome to Challenge #2 in a series of four! Today, I'd like you to share what song the book that your reading reminds you of. Just Pair That Debut for your chance to win:
- Your choice of any YA debut e-book.
- Your choice of any album.
All you have to do is to be signed up to the Debut-A-Thon here. You have 24 hours to complete this quick and easy challenge. Just post your song and book in a post on your blog/Twitter/YouTube/Facebook/Goodreads etc. Drop your link in a comment and that's it, you're entered! Also, please remember I'll be contacting the winner through whatever platform you decide to use. If you have a e-mail on your blog/Goodreads etc. I will probably be contacting you through there. I hope everything makes sense. Feel free to contact me if it doesn't.

 I'm currently reading Ink byAmanda Sun and it reminds me of Fine China by Chris Brown. The lyrics basically express how he isn't dangerous and will treat her like she's fine china. This reminds me of Ink because in the book, Tomo has something that could hurt the protagonist Katie. He tells her that he'll protect her and that he won't be a danger to her.

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