Thursday, June 27, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #8: Reading Format

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Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
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Q: Preferred reading format?

I'm planning to do a whole post on this very soon so make sure you follow so that you don't miss it. For now, I'll say that it really all depends. I love hardbacks, but they're expensive. I love paperbacks but like hardbacks, they're heavy. I like e-books but you don't get the full reading experience. I like audiobooks but again, no full reading with paper experience. So as you can see, it really all depends for me.

Don't forget to check out the tag I created called Blogging Things I Suck At where bloggers share what we suck at, just for fun.

I will appreciate you following no matter how you do it. All my links are in my header or in my sidebar. And of course, I will return the favour so don't forget to leave your links in the comment section. I would definitely prefer you check out my other posts and leave a comment there though. My NetworkedBlogs and Facebook still need extra love. Thank you everyone!
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