Sunday, June 30, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Wrap Up

Wow. That was a super crazy four days. I had so much fun participating in the Debut-A-Thon. I met new people, followed amazing blogs and read like I've never read before. I loved hosting some of the challenges and working with the beautiful Amber. At first, my goal was to read 2 books. I'm super glad that I ended up reading 3 instead. On the last day, I really pushed myself to finish reading the book and read 399 pages that day. Since I don't have school today, I stayed up super late last night reading. In total I read 884 pages. I'd love to know how everyone else went so don't forget to drop me your links in the comments. I'll check it out and follow you as well. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as debutathoners.
Check out the posts I've done associated with the Debut-A-Thon.

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