Sunday, June 23, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Sign Up

Debut-A-Thon is a read-a-thon hosted by Books of Amber to celebrate YA debuts in 2013. All information and sign ups can be found here.

I've been doing a bunch of things ending in a-thon lately but I'm not ready to stop. I find these super fun and they always give me a boost of motivation. This Debut-A-Thon starts right after my Review-A-Thon ends so I'll be heaps busy for a while. I was about 10% of the way through when I found out about this so I stopped reading that and started a different book. I thought I may as well save it for the Debut-A-Thon. Now four days is a pretty short time span and I honestly don't think I'll get that much reading done. My goal is to finish off by, read by and if I somehow I finish those two, I want to also read  by


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