Friday, June 7, 2013

Review: Nothing More, Nothing Less by Ashley Dukart

Nothing More, Nothing LessWhen Brandon finds that his mother committed suicide, he blames himself for her decision. His guilt drives his young life into a downward spiral of drugs, drug dealing, and violent repercussions when his "business partners" don't get what they want. Haunted by the past memories he often relives. His Brothers, who don't always seem to understand him and what he's going through, desperately try to help, but as life becomes further entangled, will Brandon find the escape he so desperately needs before it's too late?

Nothing More, Nothing Less by Ashley Dukart is her debut book. After reading this book, I'm reminded of why I love Young Adult books so much. This book is also considered a New Adult book which is a genre I'm still exploring. Sometimes, the characters are annoying and they take way too long to realise their problems. One reason I loved this book is that I feel the protagonist noticed what he was doing wrong just in time. I gave Ashley Dukart's novel a 4 STARS on Goodreads but if I were to give it a more specific rating I'd give it a 4.4 STARS. It was a fantastic for a debut and self-published book.
The main character, Brandon, went through a lot of character development which is always good to see. I feel as though lots of the time, the character development doesn't happen until the very end of the book. In Nothing More, Nothing Less though, the change was steady and perfect. Normally in Young Adult books, the parents are pretty much nonexistent. Though there aren't parents in this books, they definitely play a massive role in the outcome of the story.
One of the things I enjoyed most about the book was how it was written. It was short and sweet but definitely really well written. I loved the use of one word sentences like "But." The use of flashback chapters was also very effective. Sometimes the prologue contains what happens years before the setting of the story but I really liked the fact that it was sprung at you in the middle of the book. It was also fast-paced which is always a good thing to see.
I can say that there are very few cons in this book. There are some parts that were unnecessarily repeated. I guess that sometimes it's nice to have a recount of what just happens when the story gets confusing. In Nothing More, Nothing Less though, the same idea was repeated twice in the matter of a few sentences. This only happened once or twice though and like I said, a very minor con. The reason I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 was because the story didn't really suck me in. I enjoyed it but there was no one I could really relate to. I know this changes depending on who reads it, but for me, there wasn't a point in the book that made me fall in love with it.
For a self-published book it is definitely publisher worthy. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Young Adult or New Adult. It's nice and short, won't take to long, but packs in all the needed details. It really was a wonderful story with a nice ending and moral.

Buy Nothing More, Nothing Less on the Book Depository
Buy Nothing More, Nothing Less on Amazon
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