Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tag: Blogging Things I Suck At

Hello everyone. Today's post is about a new tag that I'm creating. I got this idea from YouTube and I thought that I'd absolutely love to bring it the blogging community. Basically, you can tag specific people that you want to do the tag (you can mention them in your post or leave a comment on their blog), tag everyone or do both. I tag EVERYONE to do this tag. I really hope this tag can get around. Share your post, other people's posts, and mine if you like it *wink*, on your Twitters, Facebooks, Google Plus', and Myspace?...  If you do decide to do this (you really should), please link back to this post or my blog. Copy paste the post header or if you want a different size, just ask me. If you think it's ugly (it's meant to reflect the sucky things) then I can make another one for you or you can make your own! So what I'm wondering is, what blogging things do you suck at? It doesn't matter if you're old at it or new at it. After all, blogging is not a competition. Let's just have some fun, share, and be happy when we realise we aren't the only ones. Continue to see what I suck at.

So I have this thing where I read a book, plan to do a review and then don't. When I do decide to do one, I post it days or even weeks after I've read the book. When it comes to music reviews, I'm pretty good about it. I usually post the review not long after the song has come out. I really need to balance my reviews out. Determined.
Being Cheap
I know that it probably doesn't sound like something to do with blogging but I seriously have a problem with being cheap. Others are always prepared to dish out and get they're blog designed properly. Being the Asian that I am, I try to do it myself. Then, my blog turns out looking weird. Oh well. I can't really change this one. Maybe one day, when I'm rich and famous (in my dreams). 
Being Colourful
So obviously, I don't like being too colourful. I always like to stay safe but in the end, my blog becomes an attack of brown. It's not just my blog either, I'm like this with my clothes as well. I just like neutrals. I really want to branch out but then again, I like my blog's consistency. I just wish I chose a bigger colour scheme from the start.
I'm not very forgetful overall but when it comes to blogging, oh boy, I'm so bad. I forget about everything. Sometimes, I'll plan to do a particular post and I just forget. By the time I remember it's not relevant anymore. I also forget about my emails all the time. I'll email someone, get a reply and then forget to reply myself. I think I really need to stop being cheap and buy a diary or something.

Trust me, there's heaps more that I suck at but for now, I'll just stop. If there's anything else you think I suck at, please let me know. Constructive criticism is always welcome because I want to improve as much as you want me to change something you hate. I really really really hope you can do this tag. It's one that any blogger can do. Join the fun and leave me links to your post in the comments or tweet me. 

Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.

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