Thursday, June 13, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #6: Spine Poetry

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Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
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Activity: Spine Poetry. Create a line of poetry with your book spines.

Entwined with you,
I dare you to love me,
But it could be you,

Entwined with you,
It could be you,

I added four extra words for using four books in the first poem. I like that one better but if I wasn't allowed to put extra words, I'd use the second one. I had so much fun doing this activity! There definitely should be more of these.

Spine Poetry

Don't forget to leave your links in the comments but also if you could maybe look at my other posts as well. I will leave comments on your blog as well and not just on your FF post.  If you'd like to follow me, I'd appreciate it no matter how you do. I have a variety of ways to make it easier for everyone. My links can be found in the sidebar and in my header. My NetworkedBlogs and Facebook needs extra love. Thank you everyone!
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