Thursday, June 27, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Progress


The Debut-A-Thon hosted by Books of Amber has well and truly kicked-off. I'm super excited to delve into my reading. Though I have three books I might want to read, my goal is two books since I still have school on Thursday and Friday. I started this read-a-thon on the 37th page of by. All my progress will go up on this post so remember to come back to check my progress. Leave your links in the comments because I'd love to check out your posts as well! Also, remember to enter the challenges that will be hosted on Amber's blog and mine each day.

Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 270
Pages read today: 270
Percentage of current book: Ink - 82%
Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 493
Pages read today: 223
Percentage of current book: Reboot - 42%
Books completed so far: 2
Pages read so far: 485
Pages read today: 262
Percentage of current book: Fighting For Flight - 12%
Books completed so far: 3
Pages read so far: 884
Pages read today: 399
Percentage of current book: -

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