Monday, July 22, 2013

Review: Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones

Escaping Reality Lisa Renee JonesInfinite possibilities….
Infinite passion…..
Infinite danger….
His touch spirals through me, warm and sweet, wicked and hot. I shouldn't trust him. I shouldn't tell him my secrets. But how do I not when he is the reason I breathe? He is what I need.
At the young age of eighteen, tragedy and a dark secret force Lara to flee all she has known and loves to start a new life. Now years later, with a new identity as Amy, she’s finally dared to believe she is forgotten–even if she cannot forget. But just when she lets down her guard, the ghost’s of her past are quick to punish her, forcing her back on the run.
On a plane, struggling to face the devastation of losing everything again and starting over, Amy meets Liam Stone, a darkly entrancing recluse billionaire, who is also a brilliant, and famous, prodigy architect. A man who knows what he wants and goes after it. And what he wants is Amy. Refusing to take “no” as an answer, he sweeps her into a passionate affair, pushing her to her erotic limits. He wants to possess her. He makes her want to be possessed. Liam demands everything from her, accepting nothing less. But what if she is too devastated by tragedy to know when he wants more than she should give? And what if there is more to Liam than meets the eyes?

Escaping Reality is Lisa Renee Jones' new experiment with the New Adult genre. It is the first in The Secret Life of Amy Bensen series. It's basically a normal New Adult Contemporary Romance except it is a lot more than that. It explores the Erotica genre as well and incorporating it with a spy-esque feel. Guess what? Escaping Reality comes out today! For once, I'm doing a review at a somewhat normal time. I really loved this book. I haven't read much Erotica but I do know that this is different to the normal stuff. I gave this book a 4.5 STARS. It was pretty much perfect just not quite. Continue reading!
I liked majority of the characters. Though in the story, not much information is given, I have a feeling that a lot more will be unleashed in the second book. The protagonist Amy was a pretty normal character. Sometimes, she was a bit annoying but I'll expand on that later. Liam was the classic super hot billionaire with a bunch of secrets and mysteries. What I really liked was the third character, Jared. I was glad that Liam and Jared didn't have a fight scene. I hope it stays that way because it'd good to know that not all male characters are violent. Another character was Meg and there's definitely something fishy about her. 
The first page was confusing but after I read it twice it completely sucked me in. The writing wasn't extremely unique or different but that was okay because the concept made up for it. Super fast paced and jam packed with mystery, suspense and steamy hot scenes that had me glued to the book. Even though a lot of the book was revolved around sex, what I really enjoyed what the back story. Amy is running away from something she's not quite sure exists. I love that. The ending was alright too. Of course I won't spoil it but even though it kind of just ended, it was okay. It's nice to know that I'll get more of the story in the second book.
Okay my only con is this. I know it happens all the time in Romances but I really get super annoyed when the girl thinks that the guy is the one being an ass. I understand that sometimes, guys can be over possessive but the girl really has to realise that she did something wrong too. I don't know, I'm just getting sick of these oblivious girls. I'm just glad this only occurred in a small part of the book which is why I only deducted half a star.
Amazing read that has left me eagerly waiting for the next book. I really can't wait until it comes out because I need more. Thank you to the publisher for sending me an e-arc via Netgalley because I definitely needed this book in my life. As long as you don't get super annoyed, read this!

Buy Escaping Reality on Amazon
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