Thursday, July 4, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #9: Independence Day

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Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
Click here for more info!

Q: Share your favorite book with a war in it, or an overthrow of the government.

With all the Dystopian, there are heaps of books with an overthrow of the government. One off the top of my head has to be Matched by Ally Condie. There are definitely better books that have a corrupt government but the Matched series really displays a government completely overthrown.

Don't forget to check out the tag I created called Blogging Things I Suck At where bloggers share what we suck at, just for fun.

I just made a new FeedBurner link so I'd love it if you could follow me there. I will appreciate you following no matter how you do it. All my links are in my header or in my sidebar. And of course, I will return the favour so don't forget to leave your links in the comment section. I would definitely prefer you check out my other posts and leave a comment there though. My NetworkedBlogs and Facebook still need extra love. Thank you everyone!
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